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"I'am a Socialist". Thought and action in Carlo Rosselli

di Nicola Del Corno
Biblion , 2024
In brief handwritten notes with the telling title "I miei conti col marxismo", perhaps intended as a preface to "Socialismo Liberale", Carlo Rosselli explicitly defined himself as "a young socialist of a new and dangerous kind". Rosselli's socialism was based on freedom and democracy, which saw democratic institutions not as a Marxist superstructure serving the interest of a particular class, but as a certain legal and social guarantee of the political rights and freedoms that had been fought for over the last few centuries. Moreover, Rosselli was certainly a threat to fascism, which had him assassinated in France in June 1937, together with his brother Nello; he devoted his whole life to fighting the Mussolini dictatorship. This volume is not intended to be a political biography, but rather to shed light on some of the main links between Carlo Rosselli's theory and action.
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